Daniel Kilburn is an experienced consultant, leader, author, and coach. Driven by an acute awareness of what can happen during a natural disaster, he takes pride in providing the best solutions possible. His goals include defining objectives, coordinating needs, and conceptualizing solutions.

The U.S. Army has recognized Daniel for his extraordinary commitment to instructional design, leadership, and mission accomplishment.  

Daniel's passion for disaster management can be traced back to the Loma Prieta earthquake in 1989, after which he spent significant time working on disaster management education and instructional design. As a consultant, he specializes in the All-Hazards Disaster Planning approach and acceptable risk aversion.  

After earning his Master of Business Administration while in the U.S. Army, Daniel explores his passion for helping Veterans and Families at risk.  

Daniel has spent the last 30 years learning everything he can about disaster management planning. From planning to responding and recovering. He is currently applying this knowledge in his role as the Founder of Emergency Action Planning.

He accepts responsibility for educating at-risk Families on preparing and responding to the disasters and emergencies that will come crashing onto their lives.

Retired U.S. Army Infantry Senior Drill Sergeant, Father, Grandfather, Author, and Urban Disaster Planning Expert, Daniel Kilburn, will reveal to you how everyone, regardless of experience level can succeed - Today!

Save your time
Save your dime
Save your peace of mind 